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Dear Friends:

As you know, I try not to flood our friends, supporters, and donors with asks unless I have a watertight, protected Supply Chain serving the indigent and the infirmed.

We are all inundated with news of world events, political strife and economic volatility; however, our team at Total Courage patiently continues to deliver vital humanitarian assistance at home and abroad.

We have been humbled to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced Israeli citizens, Maui fire victims, tornado victims in the Deep South, and we continue to assist displaced Ukrainian families who have lost their homes, transportation, and belongings but who remain resilient in the face of unceasing tyranny.

Over the last three years, we have provided much-needed food, medicines, clothing, teddy bears, art supplies, and generators, and now we need bicycles for families who must walk miles to worship in austere and haunting conditions.

Our dear friend and teammate, Pastor Kevin Smith, a graduate of West Point and former Army Captain is leading this effort in Odessa, Ukraine while ‘We also continue to serve hundreds of kids and their families in villages from Kherson all the way to the Moldova border. The Lord has opened tremendous doors for our churches and teams to serve where no one else is going.’ says Pastor Kevin.

Please help us to secure 300 bicycles, at $80 each. I will make sure that you all are kept abreast of our progress and receive photos as usual!

Please do not forget that your donations are tax deductible and we will make sure that you receive your donation letter to submit to the IRS right away.

Please note that you may make donations at or by mail at:
Total Courage
5923 Kingston Pike, #322
Knoxville, TN 37919

Serving with Character,




Dear Friends & Supporters of Total Courage:

Happy 2024!

Thank you for allowing me to take a few moments of your time on New Year’s Day.

2024 promises to be a year of Hope and Renewal.

Hope is the confident expectation that something good is going to happen in your life or in the lives of others.

Renewal is about resuming our work in the face of adversity with positivity, enthusiasm and character, above all.

We are strengthened by Faith, encouraged by Hope and motivated by Love.

Our work serving the displaced and indigent citizens of Ukraine,Maui and Israel under austere and challenging conditions has been both humbling and rewarding.

We are grateful that we are able to improve our service to others and be good stewards of your resources by leveraging emerging supply chain solutions and developing secure networks of selfless servants.

I would be remiss if I did not recognize our International Relief Coordinator, George Jinjalia. We are so blessed to have George, his wife, Lile and their fine boys as part of our family and team. They have a ‘no mission too difficult, no sacrifice too great’ attitude and they inspire us daily.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and your ownership in our organization. The only dumb question is the one that you fail to ask as we strive to be the best at what we do.

Again, thank you.

Serving with Character!



October 11, 2023

Total Courage volunteers brave indiscriminate rocket fire to help displaced Israeli citizens.

Israel remains under attack from multiple fronts. Please help us provide immediate disaster relief to displaced families that have lost their homes due to rocket attacks and fire. We are specifically delivering food, bedding, medicines, clothing and sundry items to victims and host families.

Serving with Character,

Darryl W. Daugherty

Colonel, US Army (Retired)

Executive Director, Total Courage


September 18, 2023


We are so grateful to all of our donors and supporters. What we have accomplished in Ukraine and the Republic Georgia has been nothing short of a miracle thanks to you, our friends and donors.

We ask for your continued prayers and support as we execute Operation Hearth (heating and cooking wood-stoves) in support of displaced families in the Kherson region.

This past week one of our Total Courage teammates, Jay Ayala, was contacted by Pele Chong who is a citizen of Maui, to see if we could serve the victims of the Lahaina fire.  Out of the goodness of her heart Pele has opened her home to nine homeless victims of the Lahaina fire. Yes, the government is providing some support but there is no way it can replace all that was lost.

As all of you know we drive out the cost of the supply chain by purchasing locally as best we can and then placing the right items at the right time into the hands of those who need it the most.

Please help us help these families! Mahalo!

ps. – If you would like to know more about these families please reach out to me personally. Their stories of survival are both daunting and heroic. Below are pictures of the families that Pele is housing.

Serving with Character,

Darryl W. Daugherty

Colonel, US Army (Retired)

Executive Director, Total Courage

Support 10 Students -> $600
Support 20 Students -> $1,200
Support 40 Students -> $2,400
Our proven curriculum includes teaching:

Strong values to create a life built on character

Consequences of failing to apply character traits 24/7

Rewards of Winning with Character!

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You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.

– Aristotle

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The willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, or intimidation


The ability to face physical pain, hardship, or threat of death


Make the right choices in the face of popular opposition or scandal


Moral qualities… such as empathy, courage, honesty, and loyalty

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Our professional staff includes highly successful leaders from military, academic, corporate, and athletic disciplines dedicated to providing your team with tailored character development training to support your team’s vision and goals.

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Here is courage, mankind’s finest possession, here is the noblest prize that a young man can endeavor to win.

– Spartan poet Tyrtaeus