Author: tcadmin

Russian Attack On Ukraine Creates New Refugee Crisis


Regardless of where each of us may fall on the political spectrum, it is safe to say that all of us are deeply grateful for our freedoms and we are equally compassionate toward those in need.

As most of you know, we provided over 50,000 meals to indigent Georgians during the Covid pandemic. We also provided essential medicines, heating fuel, clothing and shelter. Additionally, we assisted hundreds of Afghan refugees in-transit to the US.

We have now started a highly successful nationwide development program in Georgia devoted to STEM education and training for middle and high school girls. We had planned to create a pilot program for 125 girls in our first year and we are already have 320 girls signed up with over 100 volunteer mentors! What a blessing. Girl Power!

In coordination with US DoD representatives combined with highly reputable Polish Christian volunteers, Total Courage will provide targeted humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. We are primarily focused on the indigent and the infirmed that require essential medicines, nutrition, hygiene, and shelter.

We will also reach out to low income displaced American expats seeking refuge in Poland. The flow of American Refugees began in early February and continues at a steady pace.

As of 24 February 2022, Poland has now opened all of its borders and hundreds of thousands of freedom loving Ukrainian refugees are currently on the move.

I am confident that we have a watertight supply chain and distribution capability that will even exceed what we achieved in Georgia. We are unphased by Russian aggression. This is not our first rodeo.

We have been proactive in anticipating this potential conflict and we are reaching out to you now for financial support.

Our humanitarian assistance business model places locally procured commodities into the hands of those in need without the cost and risk of international supply chain disruptions, customs clearance challenges or black market influences.

We do not incur any warehousing costs whatsoever and our local volunteer teams procure, load and deliver items directly to those in need instead of dropping at distribution points.

We are laser focused on creating a seamless chain of custody so that we maximize donations and place essential items directly into the hands of those in need. As is our custom, we will provide you with timely and accurate storyboards directly from Poland so that you may share our mission with your friends, families and colleagues.

Unlike most nonprofits, I do not badger our donor base for tax-deductible donations unless there is a significant need. We believe the time is now.

Very few nonprofits can claim that 97% of their donations go directly to programs. We are volunteers devoted to a calling bigger than ourselves. It takes Total Courage to overcome adversity and we appreciate your support.

Serving with Character!

Darryl W. Daugherty

Colonel, US Army (Retired)

Executive Director, TotalCourage


Total Courage Continues To Provide Assistance To Rural Georgians In Need

As Total Courage embarks on the launch of Total Courage Technovation Girls, we continue to do all we can to help those in need. One of our young Georgian volunteers learned of a family with members who have mental and physical disabilities. They have little to no income and were without firewood to heat their home. This volunteer arranged for firewood and delivered it to the needy family. We continue to balance humanitarian assistance with long term development and we appreciate your continued support!

Total Courage volunteers move relief supplies to the donated storage facility today. A special thanks to Giorgi Janjalia and the Georgian Ministry of Defense, they offered a flatbed truck so we would not need to make four 1 hour round trips to the facility. Also, a big thank you to Candy Treft for recruiting volunteers to help.

The flatbed truck was donated by the Georgian Ministry Of Defence.
Georgian soldiers help us load the supplies for transport.
Our volunteers have fun while working together.